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ytBSpline Class Reference

B-Spline routines. More...

#include <math/ytBSpline.h>

Public Member Functions

void ytBSpline_designMatrix2 (const double *x, const int n, double *B, int *index, const int ndx, const int degree, double *work)
 Generates the design matrix for B-spline nonparametric regression.
void ytBSpline_designMatrix (const double *x, const int n, const double xl, const double xr, double *B, int *index, const int ndx, const int degree, double *work)
 Generates the design matrix for B-spline nonparametric regression.
void ytBSpline_Dk (const int m, const int k, double *D)
 Generates k-th order difference matrix.
void ytBSpline_K (int m, int k, double *K, double *work)
 Calculates Dk' Dk where Dk is the k-th order difference matrix.
double ytBSpline_det_K_plus (const double *K, const int m)
 Calculates |K|+.
void ytBSpline_syBtB (const double *B, const int *index, const int n, const int ndx, const int degree, double *BtB)
 Calculates the symmetric matrix of the multiplication B' B using the index vector set by ytBSpline_designMatrix().
void ytBSpline_dsycopy (const double *X, double *Y, int m)
 Copies an upper symmetric matrix.
void ytBSpline_dxpy_mask (int n, double *x, const double *y, const char *mask)
 Calculates a vector-vector addition x <- x + y with a mask vector.
void ytBSpline_dxmy_mask (int n, double *x, const double *y, const char *mask)
 Calculates a vector-vector subtraction x <- x - y with a mask vector.
void ytBSpline_Mv20 (int n, const double *A, const double *b, double *c)
 A b c (M,n) x (n,1) -> (M,1) M=20.
void ytBSpline_BM3 (const double *restrict B, const int *index, const double *X, const int n, const int ndx, const int L, double *restrict Y)
 Calculates the design matrix - general matrix multiplication.
void ytBSpline_printB (FILE *fp, const double *B, const int *index, int n, int ndx, int deg)
 Prints the design matrix.
double ytBSpline_gamma20 (double x, double xl, double xr, double *gamma)
 Calculates B-splines with its coefficients for a single value.

Detailed Description

B-Spline routines.

The main routine is ytBSpline_designMatrix() that generates the design matrix for the given set of values. By multiplying coeffients to the design matrix, you can obtain a smooth curve made of B-splines. Formaly, the curve can be expressed as a vector Y = B g where B is the n by M design matrix, gamma a M-vector of coefficients, and M the number of B-splines.

Many routines assume that the degree is 3 and M is 20. For example, the above equation can be calculated ytBSpline_Bx3().

Member Function Documentation

◆ ytBSpline_BM3()

void ytBSpline_BM3 ( const double *restrict B,
const int * index,
const double * X,
const int n,
const int ndx,
const int L,
double *restrict Y )

Calculates the design matrix - general matrix multiplication.

This calculates the design matrix - general matrix multiplication B × X where B is the design matrix whose original size is n by ndx where ndx represents the number of the B-spline basis functions, and X, an ndx by L general matrix.

The degree of B-splines is fixed at 3.

Bdesign matrix returned by ytBSpline_designMatrix().
indexindex vector for the design matrix returned by ytBSpline_designMatrix().
Xgeneral ndx by L matrix
nnumber of rows of B.
ndxnumber of rows of X.
Lnumber of columns of X.
[out]Yn by L matrix to return.

◆ ytBSpline_designMatrix()

void ytBSpline_designMatrix ( const double * x,
const int n,
const double xl,
const double xr,
double * B,
int * index,
const int ndx,
const int degree,
double * work )

Generates the design matrix for B-spline nonparametric regression.

This generates the design metrix of B-splines.

Because only (degree + 1) B-splines cover a single value in x, the size of the design matrix requires only n by (degree + 1).

NaN values are acceptable in x. If so, NaNs are ignored.

The algorithm is based on Eilers and Marx (1996).

[in]xvector of size n.
[in]nThe number of samples.
[in]xlminimum value of the input value range.
[in]xrmaximum value of the input value range.
[out]BRow major matrix of size n by (degree + 1), to which the generated design matrix is set.
[out]indexvector of size n to which values representing the first index of B-splines convering each value in x is set.
[in]ndxnumber of B-splines. The number of intervals for values in x is ndx - degree.
[in]degreedegree of B-splines.
workworking area of size ndx + 1 + n * (degree + 1).

◆ ytBSpline_designMatrix2()

void ytBSpline_designMatrix2 ( const double * x,
const int n,
double * B,
int * index,
const int ndx,
const int degree,
double * work )

Generates the design matrix for B-spline nonparametric regression.

This generates the design metrix of B-splines.

Because only (degree + 1) B-splines cover a single value in x, the size of the design matrix requires only n by (degree + 1).

NaN values are acceptable in x. If so, NaNs are ignored.

The algorithm is based on Eilers and Marx (1996).

[in]xvector of size n.
[in]nThe number of samples.
[out]BRow major matrix of size n by (degree + 1), to which the generated design matrix is set.
[out]indexvector of size n to which values representing the first index of B-splines convering each value in x is set.
[in]ndxnumber of B-splines. The number of intervals for values in x is ndx - degree.
[in]degreedegree of B-splines.
workworking area of size ndx + 1 + n * (degree + 1).

◆ ytBSpline_det_K_plus()

double ytBSpline_det_K_plus ( const double * K,
const int m )

Calculates |K|+.

[in]KMatrix calculated by BSpline_K().
[in]msize of K.

◆ ytBSpline_Dk()

void ytBSpline_Dk ( const int m,
const int k,
double * D )

Generates k-th order difference matrix.

[in]mthe size of matrix to generate.
[in]kthe order of the difference matrix to generate.
[out]D(m - k) x m difference matrix.

◆ ytBSpline_dsycopy()

void ytBSpline_dsycopy ( const double * X,
double * Y,
int m )

Copies an upper symmetric matrix.

[in]msize (the number of rows) of the matrix.

◆ ytBSpline_dxmy_mask()

void ytBSpline_dxmy_mask ( int n,
double * x,
const double * y,
const char * mask )

Calculates a vector-vector subtraction x <- x - y with a mask vector.


◆ ytBSpline_dxpy_mask()

void ytBSpline_dxpy_mask ( int n,
double * x,
const double * y,
const char * mask )

Calculates a vector-vector addition x <- x + y with a mask vector.

The i-th elements where mask has 0 are ignored.


◆ ytBSpline_gamma20()

double ytBSpline_gamma20 ( double x,
double xl,
double xr,
double * gamma )

Calculates B-splines with its coefficients for a single value.

This assumes the fixed 20 B-splines for the range from xl to xr.

xlleft most (minimum) value of the range.
xrright most (maximum) value of the range.
gamma20 length array of coefficients.

◆ ytBSpline_K()

void ytBSpline_K ( int m,
int k,
double * K,
double * work )

Calculates Dk' Dk where Dk is the k-th order difference matrix.

msize of the matrix.
kdegree (order) of the difference matrix.
Km x m matrix.
workAt least (m - k) x m size working area. NULL is acceptable. If so, this function allocates dynamically the working area and frees it on exit.

◆ ytBSpline_printB()

void ytBSpline_printB ( FILE * fp,
const double * B,
const int * index,
int n,
int ndx,
int deg )

Prints the design matrix.

fpfile stream pointer to output.
Brow-major n by deg + 1 - design matrix returned by ytBSpline_designMatrix().
indexindex vector returned by ytBSpline_designMatrix().
nthe number of samples.
ndxthe number of B-splines.
degdegree of B-splines.

◆ ytBSpline_syBtB()

void ytBSpline_syBtB ( const double * B,
const int * index,
const int n,
const int ndx,
const int degree,
double * BtB )

Calculates the symmetric matrix of the multiplication B' B using the index vector set by ytBSpline_designMatrix().

Note: only upper triangle elements are filled.

[in]Bdesign matrix of size n x degree + 1, calculated by BSpline_design_matrix().
[in]indexindex vector of size n, calculated by BSpline_design_matrix().
[in]nnumber of samples
[in]ndxnumber of B-splines.
[in]degreedegree of B-splines.
[out]BtBmatrix of size ndx x ndx used to put the results.

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