This is the complete list of members for ytDLGraph, including all inherited members.
ytDLGraph_addEdge(ytDLGraph *this, int u, int v) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_check_cyclic(ytDLGraph *this, int u, int v) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_check_edge_id(ytDLGraph *this, int u, int v) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_check_edge_index(ytDLGraph *this, int u, int v) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_checkEdge(const ytDLGraph *this, int u, int v) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_child_next(ytDLGraph *this, size_t id, int *ch) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_clear(ytDLGraph *this) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_copy(const ytDLGraph *this, ytDLGraph *g) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_copyGraph(ytDLGraph *this, const ytGraph *src) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_degree(ytDLGraph *this, int v) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_delete(void *this) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_fill(ytDLGraph *this) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_first_child_id(ytDLGraph *this, int v) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_first_edge(ytDLGraph *this) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_first_parent_id(ytDLGraph *this, int v) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_get_child(ytDLGraph *this, size_t id) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_get_edge(ytDLGraph *this, size_t id, int *u, int *v) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_get_edge_index(const ytDLGraph *this, size_t index, int *u, int *v) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_get_parent(ytDLGraph *this, size_t id) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_next_child_id(ytDLGraph *this, size_t id) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_next_edge(ytDLGraph *this, size_t id) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_next_parent_id(ytDLGraph *this, size_t id) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_NULL | ytDLGraph | related |
ytDLGraph_num_parents(ytDLGraph *this, int v) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_numEdges(const ytDLGraph *this) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_numNodes(const ytDLGraph *this) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_obj(ytDLGraph *this) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_parent_next(ytDLGraph *this, size_t id, int *pa) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_parents(ytDLGraph *this, int v, ytIntArray *ar) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_print_all_parents(ytDLGraph *this, FILE *fp) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_remove_edge(ytDLGraph *this, int u, int v) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_remove_edge_id(ytDLGraph *this, size_t id) | ytDLGraph | |
ytDLGraph_resize_buff(ytDLGraph *this, size_t size) | ytDLGraph |