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ytEdge Class Reference

Network edge. More...

#include <net/ytEdge.h>

Public Member Functions

ytEdgeytEdge_new ()
 Creates a new ytEdge instance.
ytEdgeytEdge_newIndex (int parent, int child)
 Creates a new ytEdge instance with its parent and child indices.
ytEdgeytEdge_clone (const ytEdge *this)
 Clones this ytEdge instance.
ytEdgeytEdge_from (ytObject *obj)
void ytEdge_delete (ytEdge *this)
 Deletes the ytEdge instance.
int ytEdge_getParent (const ytEdge *this)
 Returns the parent index of this edge.
int ytEdge_getChild (const ytEdge *this)
 Returns the child index of this edge.
void ytEdge_setIndex (ytEdge *this, int parent, int child)
 Sets the parent and child index.
ytObjectytEdge_getProperty (const ytEdge *this, const char *key)
 Returns the property value with key.
int ytEdge_numProperties (const ytEdge *this)
 Returns the number of properties.
const char * ytEdge_getPropertyKey (const ytEdge *this, size_t i)
 Returns the property key at the specified position.
ytObjectytEdge_getPropertyAt (const ytEdge *this, size_t i)
 Returns a property value at the specified position.
void ytEdge_setProperty (ytEdge *this, const char *key, ytObject *value)
 Sets a property key-value pair.
void ytEdge_print (const ytEdge *this, FILE *fp)
 Prints information of the edge.
size_t ytEdge_size (const ytEdge *this)
 Returns the size of the serialized instance.
ytByte * ytEdge_serialize (const ytEdge *this, ytByte **pptr)
 Serializes the ytEdge instance.
ytEdgeytEdge_deserialize (ytByte **const pptr)
 De-serializes the ytEdge instance.

Detailed Description

Network edge.

See also
ytNetwork, ytNode

Member Function Documentation

◆ ytEdge_from()

ytEdge * ytEdge_from ( ytObject * obj)

\breif Casts the instance from ytObject.

◆ ytEdge_getPropertyKey()

const char * ytEdge_getPropertyKey ( const ytEdge * this,
size_t i )

Returns the property key at the specified position.

See also

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