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NNSRWork Struct Reference

Working structure for the NNSR algorithm. More...

Public Attributes

MPI_Comm comm
 MPI commnuicator to work together.
int rank
 MPI rank ID. This is copied from Args.
int procs
 total number of MPI processes (MPI size), copied from Args.
int p
 total number of variables copied from Args.
int selfLoop
 true for enabling self loops, copied from Args.
 ytRNG instance copied from Args.
int moduleSize
 module (subnetwork) size.
int subNodes
 The number of variables (nodes) stored and managed by this process.
int subNodesMax
 The max size of the split sub nodes.
int * nodeSetBuff
 Node set buffer for sub network estimation.
int * subGraph
 Adjacent matrix for the sub graph.
int mrows
 The number of rows in the sub graph matrix subGraph.
int * cntGraph
 Count graph that maintains the co-occurrences of variables.
int iterations
 The number of subnetwork estimation.
int exchangeInterval
 Interval between exchaning the sub graphs and updating the global structure.
ytPCGraph ** subG
 Pointers to the estimated sub graphs.
int BNRCOtoLv
 BNRC score precalculation level for one-to-one calculation.
int BNRCLv
 BNRC score precalculation level for subnetwork estimation.
 Arguments for the sub network estimation algorithm.
int algoVerbose
 Verbose level for the sub network estimation algorithm.
int scoreVerbose
 Verbose level for the score function.
int maxParents
 Maximum parants in sub network estimation.
int bsCheck
 true for checking the consistency of the secondary ID lengths.
 List set for the list bootstrap mode.
double * oto
 One-to-one matrix (p-length column major matrix).
double otoExponent
 One-to-one exponent coefficient.
int otoInterval
 One-to-one interval. -1 for disable, 0 for only once, and > 0 for 1-to-1 score interval.
double randomWalkRatio
 Node number ratio to the module size for node sampling by random walk.
int randomWalkLimit
 Loop limit for random walk.
int randomWalkResetPosition
 1 for reset the start position.
 Work area for random walk 1.
 Work area for random walk 2.
double randomWalkThreshold
 Threshold for exchanging the global network for random walk.
double outputThreshold
 Threshold for the final structure.
int minCount
 Minimum number of the edge count for exchanging edges.
 Sending buffer for MPI.
 Sending buffer for MPI.
int * sizeBuff
 procs-size vector
int * sendDispls
 Sending displacement for MPI.
int * recvCounts
 Receive count buffer for MPI.
 Receiving buffer for MPI.
int * recvDispls
 Receiving displacement for MPI.
 Receiving buffer for MPI.
 Global network structure.
 Frequencies of edges in g.
 Frequencies of edges in g.
 Buffer for sorting nodes and their ranks.
 Working are for exchanging the global structure.
 Working are for exchanging the global structure.
char * outputGraphFile
 File name prefix to output each estimated subnetwork.
FILE * outputGraphFP
 File pointer to output each estimated subnetwork.
 the original full dataset.
 the original constrain graph
int verbose
 verbose level. 0 for the base level.
char * nodeSetFile
FILE * nodeSetFP
char * graphFile
FILE * graphFP

Detailed Description

Working structure for the NNSR algorithm.

See also

Member Data Documentation

◆ cntGraph

int* NNSRWork::cntGraph

Count graph that maintains the co-occurrences of variables.

cntGraph[u + i * p] maintains the number of occurrences where two nodes u and v (uv) are selected for the same sub network by the neighbor node sampling, where v = i * procs + rank. Note that only the upper triangular region is used.

◆ exchangeInterval

int NNSRWork::exchangeInterval

Interval between exchaning the sub graphs and updating the global structure.

Exchainging the accumulated network and sub graphs, and updating the global structure are performed in every this number of subnetwork estimations. If -1 is set, this is automatically determined.

◆ gChFreq

ytDoubleArray* NNSRWork::gChFreq

Frequencies of edges in g.

This is similar to gPaFreq. Instead of edges of parents, this contains edges for children.

◆ gPaFreq

ytDoubleArray* NNSRWork::gPaFreq

Frequencies of edges in g.

This is an array of ytDoubleArray instances. Thus gPaFreq + j represents the pointer to the ytDoubleArray instance containing frequecies of edges from the j-th node's parents.

◆ rng

ytRNG* NNSRWork::rng

ytRNG instance copied from Args.

This is used in node sampling for subnetwork estimation.

◆ subGraph

int* NNSRWork::subGraph

Adjacent matrix for the sub graph.

subGraph[u + i * mrows] represents the number of occurrences of (uv) edge estimated where uv, v = i * procs + rank, and mrows is a member of NNSRWork (see mrows). (vu) edge is also managed in this matrix subGraph[uu + ii * mrows] where uu = mrows - 1 - u, and ii = subNodes - 1 - i.

◆ subNodes

int NNSRWork::subNodes

The number of variables (nodes) stored and managed by this process.

All the variables are split and assigned into the processes. The cyclic distribution is employed for this.

◆ subNodesMax

int NNSRWork::subNodesMax

The max size of the split sub nodes.

The variables (nodes) are split into blocks whose size is 'subNodes' or 'subNodesMax'. Only the last ranks are responsible for the different number of variables.

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