ytObject | obj |
void(* | setOrder )(ytGraph *g, int order) |
void(* | delete )(ytGraph *g) |
ytGraph *(* | clone )(const ytGraph *g) |
int(* | numNodes )(const ytGraph *g) |
int(* | numEdges )(const ytGraph *g) |
int(* | checkEdge )(const ytGraph *g, int u, int v) |
int(* | degree )(const ytGraph *g, int u) |
int(* | numParents )(const ytGraph *g, int u) |
int(* | numChildren )(const ytGraph *g, int u) |
void(* | addEdge )(ytGraph *g, int u, int v) |
const int *(* | getParents )(const ytGraph *g, int u) |
const int *(* | getChildren )(const ytGraph *g, int u) |
void(* | removeEdge )(ytGraph *g, int u, int v) |
void(* | clear )(ytGraph *g) |
void(* | print )(const ytGraph *g, FILE *fp) |
ytGraphEdgeIter *(* | edgeIter )(const ytGraph *g) |
void(* | edgeIterNext )(const ytGraph *g, ytGraphEdgeIter *iter) |
void(* | MPI_Bcast )(ytObject **pg, int root, MPI_Comm comm) |
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